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What Is The Right Order Of Two Related Word Phrases?


In the SENTENCE below there are two highlighted WORD PHRASES that we believe are related. Choose one of the options below that according to you expresses their right order.

Please consider only the capitalized WORD PHRASES (in case one of them appears multiple times in the sentence).

March Hemoglobinuria MARCH HEMOGLOBINURIA a disorder that somewhat resembles MICROANGIOPATHIC HEMOLYSIS usually occurs in young persons after prolonged marching or running or playing on bongo drums.

Which of the following statements is EXPRESSED in the SENTENCE above?

Fluctuations in cognition, parkinsonian symptoms, WELL FORMED VISUAL HALLUCINATIONS and relative preservation of short term memory suggest LEWY BODY DEMENTIA rather than Alzheimer's disease (see Table 213 5.

Which of the following statements is EXPRESSED in the SENTENCE above?

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